Simple School Makeup Look - For Year 8 To 9

As a teenage girl who goes to school on a regular basis, I for one love to experiment with makeup but in some situations I need to go for the "natural look". And school is one of those situations!
Some days I will put makeup on for school and some days I won't, I don't know about your school but my school is VERY strict when it comes with makeup so that's why I wear the "no makeup makeup look".

First step I use a foundation. I use the studio mac fix in C3, which is in powder form. I use a Nude by nature kabuki brush which is a good thickness in the brush. Which is what you want with your powder foundation brush. 

The I will do my eyebrows with just a eyebrow brush (I don't colour my eyebrows in because brushing them is usually enough). Once I've done that I curl my eyelashes instead of putting mascara on (as that's a bit to obvious). This lash curler is called the full lash curler from mac.
Quick tip - put some heat to your lash curler, it will keep your lashes curlier for longer!

And lastly but certainly not least, is Nivea hydro care.  Personally I have really dry lips and this helps tremendously and its great for all day use because its got an SPF of 15. I highly recommend this, it's cheap, its hydrating and it's perfect for everyday use as it does not have any tint and is very soft when applied to the lips.

These are the makeup related products that I use for school most days, so as you can see very simple and extremely quick so perfect for those rushed mornings. If you would like to see my full morning routine let me know by either commenting down below or emailing
And also I may do some little homey bits which I have purchased and would love to show you which isn't makeup related, I would love to know what kinds of post you would like to see and are interested in! 

1 comment

  1. hi thanks for sharing your tips.
    have you got any more tips on hair care and styling for schooldays
    cheers !!!


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